Thursday, April 29, 2010

So big yet so little!

Oakley had her nine month doctor visit today!
She has barely made it to 15 pounds and 25 inches!
She is in the 5 percentile for her weight and the 1 percentile for her height! She is developmentally ahead! What a smart little thing!
She can wave hello and goodbye, clap and make a yayyy sound... its more like ahhhhh but when I was teaching her how to clap I would say yayyy and so she makes a sound every time she claps :)
She crawls around everywhere now, climbs up on everything and walks along the furniture...
Eric and I baby proofed today!
She officially sleeps through the night... Oh how I love that! We lay her down around 9 and she will sleep till about 8am. AM I LUCKY OR WHAT? Oakley has her front two bottom teeth and is working on her top front teeth.. Teething is definitely rough... we just wish they would all just pop up and be done with it! Oakley is a happy happy baby... She loves to flirt and jabber at anyone and everyone who will give her attention. We love her so much!

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